CodeCows is the last Xcode extension you'll ever need. So much beef. So little time.
Interested in letting us write an app for you? Contact us!

CodeCows is the last Xcode extension you'll ever need. So much beef. So little time.
Interested in letting us write an app for you? Contact us!

Looking for more information on CodeCows?
Check out the: CodeCows product page.

Xcode Extension

CodeCows is installed, the application starts and works just fine, but the Xcode editor menu isn't showing the CowsyEditor?

Well, it turns out that the Xcode extension support is a bit picky. The only combination we can recommend is: Xcode 8.1 or later on macOS Sierra or later. In this configuration:

  1. Open the "System Preferences" and select "Extensions"
  2. Select the "Xcode Source Editor" section and enable the "CowsyEditor" extension

In other combinations your success may vary. Some claim that running "sudo /usr/libexec/xpccachectl" and rebooting your machine gets it working, but at least in an OSX 10.11 with Xcode 8.1 scenario that doesn't work for us. (hints are welcome)

Cow-of-the-Day Extension

To get a new awesome cow everyday, enable the Cow-of-the-Day extension.
Click the today/notifications-view icon on the top-right of the menubar. Select the today tab. At the very bottom there is an "Edit" button. Click that and add the CodeCows today view.

Bugs or any other questions?

Just drop us a line: